Memberships & Courses

One of the core tenets of Story & Spirit is that spiritual exploration, energy medicine, and modalities like innerdance should be accessible to all, regardless of financial or scheduling capacity.

These memberships & courses are designed for those who are interested in exploring more deeply, but either prefer to go at their own pace or do not have the current capacity to engage with one-on-one work.

Now Available. . .

Transform Your Everyday Life Through Ritual
One time

Explore the power of simple rituals to reinvigorate your everyday life with deeper connection, greater presence, and a renewed sense of the Sacred that is present in each moment. This audio class was originally produced for Insight Timer Premium and is available here at a reduced price!

✓ 30 minutes of audio lessons
✓ Build your own ritual to help re-awaken your everyday life
✓ Worksheets to guide you each step of the way
innerdance: journey into consciousness
One time

Explore the world of innerdance, an immersive and sound-guided journey into consciousness! When you join, you'll be able to access a growing library of soundscapes as well as videos and resources to deepen your experience. Great for experienced innerdancers and newbies alike.

✓ Lifetime access to innerdance playlist library
✓ Lifetime access to a growing archive of videos and resources
✓ New playlist each month!
✓ Access to private WhatsApp group for reflections & questions